Monday, November 17, 2008

Just want to get the discussion going on “Green”. I think what I have seen on the Sundance Channel And NBC recently is a good sign about the progression of green in our society These networks and others have continued to make the environment an important topic in their programming. I believe that in order to make “Going Green” a habit as opposed to a trend or fad, "Green" needs to be systematically a part of our culture through events like this, PSA’s and programs like what I have started.
I started a company that implements recycling education programs and the habit forming behaviors into schools across the country. We create a lot of buzz with our assemblies by incorporating a movie theater size visual presentation, important contacts in the community, as well some of the alarming facts that relate to recycling. Our program instills a sense of ownership of the recycling cause for the newest generation of Americans. We also started 2 contests in NY and NJ. They can be found at
and respectively.

Anybody interested in our programs or the contest, feel free to email us at or call 732.320.8271

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